Thursday, July 14, 2011

Anemone for you and me!

We've been building an ocean scene all week, starting with our ocean that we painted on poster board and then adding various sea creatures. Today among a few other animals we made anemones. Here's how we made these cute little guys....

Vocabulary words: anemone, tentacles, habitat, coral, sea floor, carnivores
Math skills: make multiple then count, add and subtract
Physical activity: show a video of how an anemone swims (we watched this one on YouTube) and then have the kids try to imitate; we did this to the "under the sea" song from The Little Mermaid.

Toilet paper roll (1 per anemone)
Thick yarn (you could use a thinner type but it will take longer, (I'm all for speediness when working with kids. :)

1.) First, I had the children practice wrapping the yarn around the toilet paper roll which gave us a good approximation for the length we needed. I had each child cut the yarn using their safety scissors.

2.). Next, I applied glue to the entire surface of about 3/4 of the roll. I attached one end of the yarn near the bottom and then had each child start to wrap it around slowly, helping as they went along.

3.). After we'd wrapped about 3/4 of the roll I trimmed off any remaining length of yarn and glued it down.

4.). I then added glue to the rest of the roll and attached a new section of yarn. This yarn piece I placed vertically, making loops that stuck out over the end of the roll edge. (see picture below.)

5. To make sure the arms/tentacles would stay secure I took another short piece of yarn and wrapped it around the vertical section a couple of times and then tied it off.

6.). Last I had each child cut through all the loops, creating the anemone's tentacles.  You want them to be uneven so don't worry about getting the same length on each one.

You could add a face if you'd like. I decided to keep them simple, no faces. We can always add them later if the kids want to.

Here they are added to our "sea floor." :)

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